Forefront Lecture
Unraveling Molecular Barriers to
HIV-1 Immune Evasion:
Implications for a Vaccine and Cure
Mark Brockman, PhD
Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair, Simon Fraser University,
Where: Hurlburt Auditorium, Providence Level 2, St. Paul’s Hospital
When: Wednesday, October 18, 2017, 12:00 – 1:00PM
This talk is open to the public
A light lunch will be served
Dr. Mark Brockman, received a Ph.D. in Virology from Harvard University in 2001. He completed postdoctoral training in Virology and Immunology at Harvard Medical School and the Massachusetts General Hospital. Dr. Brockman was appointed as an Associate Professor in the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University in September 2009, and he joined the Faculty of Health Sciences at SFU as a Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in May 2011. He has been affiliated with the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS as an Associate Scientist since 2009.
The Brockman laboratory employs molecular and cell biology methods to investigate host-virus interactions, in particular research questions at the interface of virology, viral pathogenesis, and the host immune response to HIV-1. Current studies focus on understanding the impact of HIV-1 immune escape mutations on viral protein function and assessing the role of diverse T cell receptors during recognition and elimination of HIV-infected cells by cytotoxic T lymphocytes. The laboratory has developed in vitro strategies to examine viral protein function and host T cell activity, allowing unique population-level analyses of the HIV-1 epidemic that may assist in the development of a vaccine or cure.
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