Forefront Lecture

Forefront Lecture 

HIV Quality of Care: Are we there yet?

Photography - imaging by marlis

Dr. Rolando Barrios

Assistant Director, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS

Associate Member, Division of AIDS, University of British Columbia

Senior Medical Director, Vancouver Coastal Health

Where: Large Lecture Theatre, Providence Level 1, St. Paul’s Hospital

When: Wednesday April 6, 2016, 12:00 – 1:00PM

This talk is open to the public
The Forefront Lectures are accredited for 1.0 Mainpro-M1 credit (College of Family Physicians of Canada)

Dr. Rolando Barrios completed training in Family and Community Medicine at the University of Calgary, Alberta. He is Clinical Assistant Professor in the School of Population and Public Health and Clinical Associate for the Department of Family and Community Medicine.

The Royal College of Physicians of Canada granted him a fellowship in Community Medicine in 2002. Previous to completing Canadian training, Dr. Barrios worked in the Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside for the Street Nurses Program (BC Centre for Disease Control). At his return to Vancouver, Dr. Barrios co-lead the Urban Primary Care re-design for Vancouver Community (Vancouver Coastal Health). In 2003, he successfully led the HIV care re-design in his role as Assistant Medical Director at the John Ruedy Immunodeficiency Clinic (IDC).

In 2005, Rolando joined the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS as Assistant Director. In this capacity, Dr. Barrios led important programs in the areas of patent safety, Pharmacovigilance and continuous quality improvement.

Today, Dr. Rolando Barrios is Senior Medical Director of Vancouver Coastal Health and Medical Director of the Provincial HIV/AIDS Collaborative of BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS since February 2010. He is also the principal investigator of the Pharmacovigilance Program and co-chair of the Therapeutic Guidelines Committee at the BC-CfE.

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