Updates to the Primary Care Guidelines for the Management of HIV/AIDS in Adults: Common Non-Infectious Co-Morbidities
WHERE: Register online at: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/955093393652285199
WHEN: Wednesday December 15th, 12-1:00 PM PST
COST: Free registration
The webinar will be presented by:
Dr. Marianne Harris, MD, CCFP
Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Family Practice
Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia
Clinical Trials Physician, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS
Following this webinar, participants will be able to:
- Explain why people living with HIV (PLWH) may be at risk of non-infectious co-morbid conditions, including:
- cardiovascular disease
- insulin resistance and diabetes mellitus
- bone disease
- renal disease
- hypogonadism
- neurocognitive impairment
- lung disease
- liver disease and cirrhosis
- cancer
- Outline the latest recommendations for screening and assessment of common non-infectious co-morbidities among PLWH
- Apply some basic principles for preventing non-infectious co-morbidities in PLWH receiving antiretroviral therapy
The presentation will be followed by a question and answer period where participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and receive real time responses from the presenter.
Please register for the webinar by
This event is accredited by the College of Family Physicians of Canada and the British Columbia Chapter for up to 1 Mainpro+ credits.
If you are unable to attend the live webinar it will be recorded and available for viewing on BC-CfE’s Education and Training website at education.bccfe.ca/webinars.
If you have any questions regarding this event, please contact BC-CfE’s Education and Training team at: education@bccfe.ca.